Tuesday, June 14, 2016

May performance

May was a tough month with model 3 suffering some reversal in assets.
Model 1-2 defended themselves being allocated on euro high yield.

On the other side, the super-diversified models 4 had a good month, even if they lagged their benchmarks. But it's built to give a better risk/reward rather than beat benchmark on absolute terms.

June is going to be a tough month as well, with abrupt moves caused by Brexit.
It ise an high volatility environment. In the last 2 days, euro high yield suffered a lot.
On the other side euro govies (core) are rallying with Bund 10y below 0% for the first time.
Dollar is rallying as well, together with Japanese yen, while European stocks crashed. Sterling is suffering as well, as Brexit -side is increasing support according to polls.

At the end of the month it could be a different story, if Brexit dosn't materialize, but what is sure is that with a zero-negative bond rates worldwide, is very difficult to have a good asset allocation.

"Thank you" Mario again...
i want to see how insurances and pension funds will be able in the future to offer decent returns...
NIRP is an extra-tax on our savings.

PS: don't know if in July, my models will allocate on euro bonds, but eventually, I won't invest in that signal . I can't accept to pay a government that borrows my money...

Thursday, June 2, 2016

June Allocations

Here the allocations for June.

The safest models continue to allocate in Euro HY because of the crazy NIRP World...

Gold exited from portfolios after the  recent weakness and S&P500 replaces it
New names appeared in some models