Saturday, September 16, 2017

September Allocation & Monthly/YTD performances

this month I post the allocations with delay, just for tracking record, because I returned from my holidays.
I visited for the second consecutive year the island of Crete, in Greece. That's amazing.
I rented a car and visited some places I couldn't reach the past year. For example, this year I spent one day in Elafonisi, one of the best European beach. I still have to download my pictures in the pc, therefore here you can see a picture taken from Internet.

But let's go to the blog's topic. I am going to post the allocations for this month and, as well, the performance.
August was a good month with all models positive. For September, the most defensive models switched from € High Yield bonds to Inflations bonds. This type of bonds appeared in other models as well.

You can see below allocations and performance.
Have a nice month



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